'One can indeed try to obtain a particular result either by the use of violence or by speech aimed at securing the adherence of minds.'
Chaïm Perelman
Speaker at International Congresses
Procedural Law National Congress
Keynotes Summary
Speaker at the Public Interest Clinic, University of Alicante, Spain, February 2020.
General Speaker at the XXX National Congress of Procedural Law, San Juan, Argentina, September 2019.
Speaker CHACO
Speaker at the seminar held at the PPG Direito da URI Santo Ângelo, Brazil, May, 2019 .
Lecturer at the University of Barcelona, Spain, April, 2019.
Speaker at the presentation of the Public Interest Review, National University of La Plata, Argentina, December, 2018.
Speaker at the Conference on Appropriate Methods of Prevention, Management and Resolution of Conflicts as a form of access to justice, La Plata, Argentina, November, 2018.
Speaker at the III Brazil-Argentina Congress on Procedural Law, Federal University of Espírito Santo, Vitoria, E.S., Brazil, April, 2018.
Speaker at the Conference-Debate: Rereading and debating the Conclusions of the National Congress of Procedural Law, La Plata, December, 2017.
Lecturer at the Philosophy Institute, La Plata Bar Association, June, 2017.
Speaker at the XXIX National Congress of Procedural Law, Santiago del Estero, Argentina, August 2017.
Speaker at the Preliminary Conference, XXIX National Congress of Procedural Law, Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences of the Universidad del Litoral, Santa fe, Argentina, August 2017.
Speaker at the Conference "Current Procedural Law. Procedural aspects of the Civil and Commercial Code ”, Institute of Judicial Studies,La Plata, Argentina, April 2017.
Speaker at the Workshop on Law and Justice, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, January 2017.
Speaker at the International Congress i-latina, Alicante, Spain, May 2016.
Procedural Law National Congress
San Juan (2019)
Procedural Law Course
UPF, Barcelona (2018)
i-latina Philosophy Congress
UA, Alicante (2016)
Right to Health Course
Resistencia (2019)